education is more important today than ever before

The competitiveness of an economy depends a lot on technological progress, but recent data in some countries, including not only high-income but also middle-income countries, suggests that innovation is getting harder, and the pace of growth is slowing down. A new challenge, then, is lớn understand what conditions are most effective in supporting innovation, so sánh countries can tư vấn their best and brightest lớn advance technology and lead innovative work that helps boost economies.

Education and mobility

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The main findings of status attainment research—which studies how an individual’s family background relates lớn her educational and occupational attainment and income—show that an individual’s status originates in the education, occupation, and income of his or her parents, in particular fathers. At the same time, the individual’s income is also explained by his or her level of education and occupation status, as described many years ago in the seminal book The American Occupational Structure by Blau and Duncan. On the other hand, economists studying human capital theory have emphasized for decades how education correlates lớn income and have concluded that education increases the productivity of individuals by increasing their skills, as was proposed by Gary Becker. This can be done by investing in people.

This basic model describes the process by which family status and education were converted into occupational status through educational attainment even after controlling by ability, and has implications for how we develop and implement education policy. The results of many studies show that education has a significant positive influence on the occupational and income attainment process. These findings are consistent with human capital theory, where education explains individual productivity after ability is controlled, showing that it has an independent effect on productivity. The results have been similar in developed and developing countries where access lớn education, including higher education, for example, still is restricted lớn people with low socioeconomic status.

Education, innovation and technology

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Today, there is agreement that education, independent of innate ability, helps spur innovation and technology, and it contributes lớn productivity and economic growth. A key element in this process is that education is important lớn adopt the technology that produces innovation. Parental education and a person’s education affect productivity, directly or indirectly, and independently of many other characteristics. In consequence, policymakers in countries that want lớn remain competitive in the globalized economy need lớn make sure that the education system takes this into trương mục and supports quantitative indicators (enrollments) and qualitative ones, including the number of Ph.D. graduates, the strongest education indicator of technology and innovation. In the long term, when it comes lớn spurring innovation, it is more important subsidize PhD students kêu ca R&D. This would help produce the sort of technology and innovation that could give us the next generation of mRNA vaccines or medicines lớn treat intractable diseases. It could produce the next generation of AI tools or maybe the next generation of IBM Watson.

Without fair access lớn education, we are constraining the possibilities for a country lớn develop. All countries need lớn ensure that everybody starts with the right steps early on and moves thru the education cycles according lớn their capabilities. To bởi this, countries should equalize opportunities so sánh that individuals, their families, and communities will benefit. Some countries lượt thích Finland, Singapore, and Korea, for example, have done it. In a generation, they were able lớn break the parent-child cycle in terms of access lớn quality education and access lớn higher education.

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Investing in education boosts innovation

This is important because the findings relate lớn how innovation and education policy affect individual career choices and aggregate productivity. Emerging studies indicate that subsidies lớn R&D, a typical policy lớn tư vấn technology/innovation, have a clear strong impact in the short term, but its effect tends lớn decrease in the longer term. Subsidies lớn education, however, have a stronger effect on technology and innovation in the long term. A challenge is how lớn tư vấn students lớn successfully complete Ph.D. programs. These students will be more successful in developing technology and innovation. The literature indicates that expanding access lớn basic skills, improving the quality of education, and investing in universities may bởi the trick. These policies help individuals who would have been innovators anyway lớn become more successful; and allow creative individuals who would otherwise not have become inventors lớn reach their potential, widening the talent pipeline.

The World Bank is contributing towards improvements in technology and by expanding tư vấn lớn experiences that have been successful in increasing access lớn higher education, such as the projects that tư vấn loans for low-income students so sánh that they can attend higher education in certified institutions. It also supports improving research capacity at the university level, including a series of projects that supported the Millennium Science Initiative. This initiative—initially in Latin America and the Caribbean, but most recently in sub-Saharan Africa—expands doctoral and post-doctoral training lớn promote scientific excellence and produce better and more qualified science and engineering graduates. It also aims lớn produce higher quality and more relevant research for firms lớn utilize these outputs lớn improve productivity, such as the Millennium Science Initiative project in Uganda. The World Bank is also investing in highly sophisticated technology lớn strengthen higher education and research universities, including with the Higher Education and Research for Innovation and Competitiveness (HERIC) project in Montenegro.