i have left my book in

can you explain the difference between the 2 sentences

  1. I have left my book in the kitchen and I would lượt thích you to lớn get it for bu.
  2. I left my book in the kitchen and I would lượt thích you to lớn get it for bu.

No real difference here.

Bạn đang xem: i have left my book in


Gosh, and here I thought the word “hi” might be a tad too informal for HRM to lớn use in public.

Welcome to lớn the site, Liz. :lol:

Who is Liz? Am I missing something here, ladies ;-)?


Hi Cookie

The Queen of England is Elizabeth II. Liz seems lượt thích a friendly nickname for her, doesn’t it? :smiley:
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_ … ed_Kingdom

So the Queen of England has said hi to lớn all the members of this forum? That’s extraodinary news I’d say. Does Prince Charles know that his mother is using Internet forums?

Xem thêm: trường đại học lao đông xã hội


I’m not sure, Cookie. Should we let him know? :smiley:

How would you tự that? The guy doesn’t look as if he knew what and where the Internet is ;-). Wait a second, tự they have “Internet” in England yet?



I have a sneaking suspicion that the Internet just might have reached England by now.
Maybe Harry and William will help Liz to lớn upload her photo for her avatar here on the diễn đàn.

You should be so sánh lucky ! :smiley:

Xem thêm: đề thi cấp 3 năm 2022


First Sentence is Present Perfect tense its talking about fresh event
Second sentence is simple past its talking about little long past such as yesterday, weeks , months and years ago

  1. I have left my book in the kitchen and I would lượt thích you to lớn get it for bu.
  2. I left my book in the kitchen and I would lượt thích you to lớn get it for bu.

That is one general guideline for aspect use, Osman, but not necessarily (as in this case) true.

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