new electronic devices have been developed to cater to users' ever changing needs


Cập nhật ngày: 18-05-2022

Bạn đang xem: new electronic devices have been developed to cater to users' ever changing needs

Chia sẻ bởi: Dương Vân Anh 6B

OPPOSITE :New electronic devices have been developed lớn cater lớn users' ever-changing needs.

Chủ đề liên quan

OPPOSITE :A cost-effective way lớn fight crime is that instead of making punishments more severe, the authorities should increase the odds that lawbreakers will be apprehended and punished quickly.

OPPOSITE :I propose that we wait until the budget has been announced before committing ourselves lớn any expenditure.

OPPOSITE :Until 1986 most companies would not even allow women lớn take the exams, but such gender discrimination is now disappearing.

OPPOSITE :The best hope of' avoiding downmarket tabloid TV future lies in the pressure currently being put on the networks lớn clean up their act.

OPPOSITE : Urbanization is the shift of people from rural lớn urban areas, and the result is the growth of cities.

OPPOSITE :Launched by the federations and foundations, Group's brands find local expression through the promotion of social solidarity and culture.

OPPOSITE :Many ethnic groups find it hard lớn maintain their own languages.

OPPOSITE :The 21st century has witnessed the surprisingly increasing formation of multicultural societies where a varying number of ethnic people stay together.

OPPOSITE :The custom of worshiping ancestors is a beautiful, rich, and colorful and joyful tradition in Vietnamese culture.

OPPOSITE :He said he was only joking, but his comments were ví close lớn the bone.

CLOSEST: She was brought up in the slums of Leeds.

CLOSESTThe Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline is a national service for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf.

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CLOSESTWith ví many daily design resources, how tự you stay up-to-date with technology without spending too much time on it?


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CLOSESTMany illnesses in refugee camps are the result of inadequate sanitation.

CLOSESTThere has been a hot debate among the scientists relating lớn the pros and cons of using robotic probes lớn study distant objects in space.


advantages and disadvantages


solutions and limitations

CLOSESTEach size of mass truyền thông media has an important impact on society.

CLOSESTThe programme invited viewers lớn write in with their ideas.


people who watch the programme


people who sponsor the programme


people who produce the programme

Xem thêm: 2m bằng bao nhiêu cm


people who edit the programme

CLOSESTFace-to-face socializing is not as preferred as virtual socializing among the youth.