as i get older i want to travel less

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Bạn đang xem: as i get older i want to travel less

The older I get the less I lượt thích lớn travel

I mean, it could just be longstanding social anxiety or whatever, but the last several years I've come lớn dread the routine of the family vacation. It's not that I don't want lớn spend the money or certainly spend time with my wife and kids, and I'm sure I'll miss it when they're out of the teenage years the house... but the annual stress involved with trying lớn figure coordinating planes, trains, and automobiles, when we have lớn be where, what places we want lớn visit, and then getting there and having lớn giảm giá with the unknowns of where lớn park, what the local requirements are, etc. It's all just too much. I never was much one lớn lượt thích traveling, but lately I'm becoming the homebody that... *gasp* my father was. Can anybody relate?